16 April 2008

World Runner was one of my favorite Nintendo games as a kid. It still amazes me that no one knows what the hell I'm talking about when I bring it up, since it seemed to be so popular among my circle of friends... but then again, we (okay, maybe it was just me) were also huge fans of Wizards & Warriors and Wizards & Warriors II (maybe I just really enjoyed games that started with the letter "W"). If you still have your old NES laying around and can get your hands on a copy of World Runner (copies of it are selling for under $10 on eBay...while you're at it, get both copies of Wizards & Warriors as well - also under $10!), DO IT! You're in for a treat. Just the music alone makes me all giddy.


Harris K. Telemacher said...

This is not interesting enough for me to comment on.

Harris K. Telemacher said...

haha, im jus kidden. i wanna play this on a big screen in 3D.

ɹǝɥʇɐǝɥ ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉ said...

That would be fun... Once we get a projector again, we can hook the nintendo up to it.