17 March 2008

I was noticing that according to my archives, I only update this journal on even numbered years. Weird! I joined back in 2002 and didn't even bother to update it once... came back in 2004 and updated with a simple "hi". I think I had intended to stick around but I quickly forgot about it and didn't return again until 2006... this time I managed to milk out 3 different entries, none of which had any substance at all. Fast forward to 2008 when my husband told me he was going to start using Blogger for his new online journal (he can be found here, by the way). Having been an avid LJer (that's a LiveJournal user, for those not in the know) since 2001 and also having a multitude of other random journals scattered all over the internet dating as far back as early 2000, I've been a little hesitant to come back to this one. I feel pretty intimidated by it. This isn't somewhere I can post my mile long 'About Me' surveys or 'Which Crayon Color Are You?' quizzes. I don't think I'm smart enough to be a blogger.

I'll just stick to posting pictures and YouTube videos here. I've never been good at writing.

While I'm not good at writing, I do love a good read... So any recommendations on some awesome blogs to check out would be appreciated!